Friday, September 19, 2014

Internet Businesses - I Know What You're Thinking


This is possibly the most common reaction that people have and the most infuriating one to have to deal with.

The reason why it is so difficult to reason with people who immediately have this opinion is because it is ingrained in their mind so deeply.

The trouble is it is based on no facts whatsoever.

If you are looking to start any business, whether it be online or any other type, the responsible thing to do is to make sure you do your 'Due Diligence'.

You research the company and the people behind it. The only opinions worth listening to are those of people that have some experience, Not your brother, aunt or mate at work who tells you that you will be ripped off, even though they haven't got a clue what it is that you are looking at.

If you were looking to open a high street store, you would do all the checks, try to establish whether you are likely to succeed, weigh up the cost of overheads compared to the likely business you would attract, advertising budgets.

You would likely be looking at an awful lot of money to cover start up costs and unexpected expenses. This is going to run into tens of thousands, if not more.
But nobody is shouting 'scam' in your ear.

Why is that?

The risks involved if the shop does not work out could be profound. There are too many stories to mention of people that had a dream that they would run a thriving business that would become a legacy for their children, only for things to go horribly wrong and they end up losing their house and everything they worked so hard for.

But if I told you that you could create a sustainable long term business that could generate 6 figures within a year and it will cost just $37 per month, that's a scam, apparently?

I wonder if people would not be so quick to shout the 'S' word if the cost was thousands or even tens of thousands? Maybe the fact that it is so affordable means that people get suspicious?

The simple fact is you are just as likely to get scammed by making a purchase on eBay, selling your car or just walking down the street.

Some online businesses have ended up walking away with people's money, sure. But so have major banks and financial institutions.

Bernie Madoff or JP Morgan anyone?

These were incredibly high profile cases but does it stop you putting your money into savings account.

Have you heard stories from people that have been on holiday to foreign countries and maybe been scammed in a tourist shop or even been the victim of a pickpocket. Do those stories stop you ever leaving your own country again?

Of course not.

And yet, for some reason, whenever an internet business is mentioned then it's different, in some way.

My estimate is that 90% of the people who have that opinion, have absolutely no experience of an online business, don't know what they involve and have never even been 'scammed' either.

The other 10% will be a mix of people who THINK they have been scammed but probably actually did something wrong themselves and a tiny percentage that have been a victim of some sort of fraud.

The percentage that have been victims will be no bigger than the percentage of the general public who feel they have been the victim of a scam at some point in their life in some way or another.

Some people will throw out the 'S' word if they leave a tip in a restaurant, only to find that it was already added to the bill. They have been 'scammed' into paying the tip twice.

Do you see how ludicrous that is?

They were not scammed at all. The restaurant were not running some elaborate plot to steal all the money from the unsuspecting customers that were crazy enough to use their premises.

The person didn't pay attention and lost a little money as a result. That's it.

Too many people start throwing around accusations when it comes to online businesses. Their views are formed with zero evidence and zero respect for the person they subject those views too.

If you have considered an online business, then keep considering it. But do your research and be objective.

Be prepared to ignore people that tell you it's a scam unless they can find evidence to support it.

And here's a hint... "Well, they're all a scam, aren't they" is not evidence!

Take a breath, be sensible, be methodical. Treat it as if you were considering starting a high street business.
Do your research, satisfy yourself that you feel confident in the work involved, speak to other 'business owners' that can give you their thoughts and experiences.

But, above everything else, concentrate on what YOU think, what YOU want and what YOU need.

YOU have to live with your decision.

Whatever 'Uncle Dave' or 'The guy at work' think, there are some incredible opportunities with internet businesses. Opportunities that can change your life and give you everything you have ever wanted.

Plus, if it doesn't work out for some reason, it's not going to cost you your house and everything in it.

That so called 'scam' could actually be the lowest risk opportunity with the highest potential success rate that you will ever find.

Don't fall into the trap of assuming that a business must be a scam, just because it is based online. Internet businesses give you the opportunity to create life changing wealth for a tiny financial outlay. Instead of getting suspicious, you should be getting excited about the possibilities that are available to you. Especially if you are looking at Internet Lifestyle Network.

In my opinion, this is the ultimate online marketing business and one that is set up for longevity.

Unrivalled training and company support, coupled with my own personal mentoring and coaching provide the ultimate package for anyone wanting to succeed with an online business.